Good to know

Am I bilingual?

Who is actually bilingual? It is estimated that over half of the world’s population speak several languages! So the issue of bilingualism or multilingualism affects the majority of people in the world. Not sure if you are bilingual? Find your answer here.

Am I bilingual? Weiterlesen »

Bilinguales Kind

When does bilingual language acquisition begin?

We find many different terms to describe when and how we learn languages. We call those who learn to hear and speak different languages from birth (or shortly afterwards) simultaneous bilingual. If other languages are learnt at a later stage, we speak of successive or sequential bilingual language acquisition. Later in school, you find L2 learners, children who acquire a new language in class.

When does bilingual language acquisition begin? Weiterlesen »

Bilingual language development: 5 questions parents often ask

5 questions that parents with multilingual children often ask – get the answers here! 1. What influences bi- or multilingual language development? 2. What are the advantages or disadvantages? 3. When should children start learning languages? 4. Which languages should we use and how? 5. My child makes many mistakes when speaking. Should we be worried? Should we be worried?

Bilingual language development: 5 questions parents often ask Weiterlesen »

Baby Talk

Early Language Facilitation: 3 facts for parents and guardians

This article is about what aspects are important in the 1st year of life to establish a successful interaction between you and your child:
I explain how you can help your child understand language,
You learn why it is so important to have a shared focus,
What it means to use a triangular gaze for shared attention and,
I write about why gestures are closely related to language development and how you can use them with your little ones.

Early Language Facilitation: 3 facts for parents and guardians Weiterlesen »

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